Thursday, 22 January 2009

Dartmoor Creeking

Team ROx had a creeking trip to Dartmoor planned and for once it chucked it down for a couple of days before hand. So much so that the planned run of the Upper Dart was scrapped and pastures new were to be explored.
I have to say that my enthusiasm waned somewhat when my alarm went off at 5am, but I dragged myself down to Riverside along with a load of others, played out the epic that is tying boats on a trailer and headed off into the dark.

The plan was to do the Middle Tavy from Hill Bridge down to Tavistock, which on paper sounded like it could be pretty good fun. Rob vaguely remembered doing it, but for the rest of us it was an unknown. We all got the to get in (eventually!) and the level looked pretty good so the mission was on :0)

Well, what a river! The first 5-6km was pretty continuous grade 3 with some long rapids that usually meant you lost sight of your team at least once. This was a good chance for everyone to build their confidence at having to pick their own way down. This is just about the best river I have ever done at the grade, with a little something for everyone. A much better run than the Dart Loop and only a slightly longer drive- brilliant!


Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Winter Sale 31st Jan - 1st Feb

In need of a new creeker after a boney winter season?

Pick up a bargian on the sale weekend!

Dagger Nomad RRP £849 Sale Price £599
Available Sizes:- 8.1 & 8.5 in last seasons colours

Liquid Logic Jefe RRP £799.95 Sale Price £599
Available Sizes:- Jefe Chico, Jefe & Jefe Grande in last seasons colours

Liquid Logic Remix RRP £749 Sale Price £599
Available Sizes:- 59 in last seasons colours

Pyranha Burn RRP £889 Sale Price £699
Available Sizes:- Small, Medium & Large in last seasons outfitting

Pyranha Ammo RRP £889 Sale Price £699
Available Sizes:- Small, Medium & Large in last seasons outfitting

For junior paddlers:Liquid Logic Remix RRP £499 Sale Price £399
Available Size:- 47 in last seasons colours

More offers to come during the next week......

Saturday, 17 January 2009

2009 Courses with Riverside

We are very excited to announce that our new 2009 brochure is now available here!

The brochure includes UKCC coach training and assesment, BCU Star awards, Introduction and further development courses for Open Canoeing and Kayaking and a range of summer holiday courses for 11 - 16 year olds.

We hope that you enjoy having a look through, if you want to book in, download a booking form

For further information, give us a call on 01865 248673 or drop us an email

Yours in Paddling,

The Riverside Team

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

House - 'Mr Potatohead'

So as House returned for another cold and wet Thursday evening, Connor, Joel, Louis, Dan and Toby all turned up to the centre for a laugh and a bit of fun to lighten the day up. The evening's activity was entitled 'Mr Potato head' and consisted of a lot of vegetables, tape, some cocktail umbrellas and a camera. The idea was to make a comic-strip/movie out of vegetable characters, odd, it may seem, but this session turned out to be one of the best.

I was planning to put the video on the blog but it does not seem to be working, so here is the YouTube link -
Please remember it is only a work in progress.

If you have got any suggestions then drop us an email.

Joel Silver

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Juniors Christmas bash

For those of you who missed the party of the year you made a big mistake by not being there. Tim, the Disco King, brought along his music centre complete with disco lighting and smoke machine .... the kids decked the hall with some beautiful snowflake decorations, added some pictures of their summer camping trip to their board.

The bin bags were then put to good use with some terrific costumes and all this was followed up with party games including musical chairs and statues. Stuffed with chocolate log and other nasties the party animals all went home totally hyper at about 9pm. Bet they slept well.

Many thanks to Nathan, Jake, Thomas, Kat and James for coming along and making the evening such a success.Thanks also to Joe for helping out and to James' Dad, Martin and sister Emily for staying and helping with the fun too.

That's it for this year so all the best and Happy Christmas and New Year from me