Monday, 23 November 2009

L'Aventure Alpine 2009

Finally after massive delay, it's time for a write up of a most excellent Don's expedition to the French Alps.

It all began with a huge amount of planning. Youth Oppertunity Funds were applied for, meeting attended, and a massive amount of work had to be done before we could even think about going. Finally though, after what seemed like a monumentous wait, we were off, to begin a 789 mile trip to here;

The wonderful Camping du Lac, which would be our base camp for the week.

Ahh, just like home.

Over the next few days we tacked 3 sections of the durance, played on slalom courses, playboated in the Rabioux wave (to which the footage has mysteriously disappeared), practiced our skills and paddled the challenging Ubaye Racecourse (so challenging we didn't have any time to take any pictures.)

After a few days it was time to move on to Sault Brenaz, a wonderfull whitewater course for practising many different aspects of paddling. People were learning about ferry gliding, Surfing waves, paddling inflatable canoes (hotdogs) and some people passed a 3 star assessment (Well done!)

Ashley and Portia Surf a Hotdaog

Connor's Robson Photo

All too soon it was time to go home, but we won't forget the good times had, friends made and things learnt will not be forgotten

Group Photo!

Time to begin the big drive home

We'd all like to say a huge thanks to everyone who has helped, in whatever way to make this trip possible. We couldn't have gone without you. If you haven't already had enough of our trip yet, check out the video!

Stay cool


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